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Effortlessly Boost Conversions on your Amazon Review Blog - Start Today!

If you are a product review blogger, don't miss this gem 💎 Learn how I, an affiliate blogger just like you, overcame poor conversion rates on my Amazon product review blog and skyrocketed sales by writing less words!

Boost Conversions on your Amazon Review Blog - Header

In this post, we'll explore the process of planning an Amazon product review blog post and what is involved with each step of the process.

We'll also look at how to ask the AI copywriter for the type of content you need for an Amazon review blog post, explore the templates within Jasper and show how you can use each of the marketing templates to enhance your copy to increase conversions on your Amazon affiliate review site!

Product Review Bloggers: Are you ready to earn more by writing less?

Note: When I wrote the first version of this e-book, back in May 2021, it was to support my Jasper Official Academy Training. I had created an 18 step training and I knew trying to cover it in an hour would be a challenge! Since then my training has been watched over 8,800 times (published on the Blogs by Jarvis and the Jasper Official Channels) and to date, 9274 free copies of the e-book have been downloaded 😮

In June 2021, soon after this training, Boss Mode was launched, and soon after went through a rebrand to Jarvis. Subsequently, they have rebranded again to

Frequent upgrades mean the Jasper platform may look a little different now, but everything you learn in this training can be applied in the Starter Plan using the templates, or in Boss Mode via the Blog Post Workflow when you start a new document.

See my updated training for writing product reviews with Boss Mode and Jasper Recipes (formerly Jarvis Recipes) and discover Jasper alternatives.

Write Reviews That Sell - Amazon Review Blog Posts in Minutes (And Without Getting Out Of Bed!)

BTW - it really works for ANY product reviews - I just know we have a lot of Amazon reviewers stop by here.

It can be hard to write a review if you can't touch or use the product yourself, which is why I created this Jasper Product Review recipe!

Take any product from Amazon and write an amazon associate product review in minutes - without ever touching the product! This recipe will help increase your blogging output, and make more sales from your Amazon affiliate website (amz blogs).

All you need is Jasper!

Well, maybe a cup of coffee, while you work 😉

The Jasper AI Copywriting Assistant is a revolutionary new way to help you write high-quality blog posts and other marketing content to boost conversions for your business.

How to write an Amazon review that converts

Honesty is the best policy

Review posts that are written with a deep focus on a single topic, such as products, fit into the category of product reviews. They help readers to make informed decisions to make a purchase.

Product reviews are different from user reviews written by the consumers who have purchased the product and want to share their experience using the product - whether that is positive or negative.

The first rule of writing a compelling product review article is being honest. Unless you have used the product yourself, don't try to make out that you have, because you will quickly lose credibility when it becomes apparent that you can't have personally purchased and tested every single product you have written a review article about. I mean, would you trust that website?

Be balanced

It's too easy to just focus on the just the positive and only write a good review, but realistically most things have a few negatives. Your job as a reviewer is to produce an honest and helpful article that is balanced and weighs up the pros and cons of the product, as well as provide quality, valuable informational content and tips on how you can use the product.

Remember, something that is negative to you could be positive to someone else!

Get to know your audience

You want your reviews to reach the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), but that doesn't mean you should only write for Google!

Target your content to your audience, and write reviews that are readable as well as discoverable. Read more about How to Plan & Write Awesome Blog Content

If your reviews read well, it's more likely that readers will click on related posts even if they don't click the link to buy that first product. You'll have built trust and credibility with your honest and balanced review.

When you are writing product review blog posts it's important to establish a connection to your product on an emotional level - this is key to writing a review blog post that converts.

Ask yourself these things:

  • What problem does your customer have?

  • What solution does your product provide?

  • Are there any other solutions?

  • Why is your product their best choice?

Get into the mindset of your customer and understand what they are looking for when they search Google for answers.

You can do this multiple ways and use tools like SEO Minion to gather information like PAA's (People Also Asked) - these are great for filling out your content structure in the FAQ's (more about that later).

I find the best place to really understand my customer is in Facebook Groups.

Join me on Facebook in my group Blogs by Jarvis - Blogging with - Official Facebook Community

When I interact in the niche Facebook groups I can really get to know the mindset of my customer, to understand what they need to answer their questions and solve their problems.

For instance, I'll see a question crop up multiple times like "What can I do about cramp?" I know that's a hot topic on a Keto Diet, and guess what, I've got a blog post that answers that question and recommends some products that I have personally used that can help.

I can post a link to my blog post with a comment like "Hey, this might help you" and I'll get 100+ visits to that article from just one Facebook comment.

FYI - Amazon frown upon you posting your affiliate link into Facebook groups - unless it is your own group - and anyway, that's just rude! Don't drop an affiliate link to a product to solve a problem - provide a valuable answer and suggest a product along with that answer. You are much more likely to get a sale that way, and a whole bunch of new subscribers!

Building up a library of frequently asked questions in Facebook Groups has helped me plan a library of valuable content that delivers the answers that my readers need. Thank goodness for Jasper to help me write that content!

Providing my readers with high-quality content and product reviews means they will trust me, making it more likely they will buy via my links.

Don't be too pushy

Everyone hates being sold to, so if you go over the top and are too gushing, then no one will believe it's a real review.

Writing with Jasper gives you the option to choose 'tone of voice' for your outputs and one mistake I made early on was choosing excited and animated for my articles. Boy, they were hard to read!

When I switched up to engaged, informative, and helpful, I got much more readable content and the difference was instantly noticeable. Thank goodness I was able to go back and re-write all my over-enthusiastic content quickly with the help of my trusty AI copywriting assistant!

How to write a product review blog post - without owning or using the product

How to write a product review blog post  - without using the product
Plan your affiliate blog post with the 7P's in Mind!
'The 7 Ps' is a very British saying, originating from the British Army and it refers to: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. (please excuse the language!)

Let's assume you are writing Amazon reviews - I'm going to show you how to write an Amazon review blog post.

Step 1. Pick your product(s) to review.

Every great Amazon affiliate review has to start with a product, so pick the product or selection of products that you are going to be writing about, log into your Amazon account, and have the Amazon product URLs to hand, or even better keep the product pages open in separate tabs - this will make it much easier when you need to insert your affiliate links later - you can use the SiteStripe bar to get your affiliate link.

You are going to want to have as much information as you can about your products, so make sure to go to the manufacturer's website and have those pages open too.

Where else can you get product information from?

  • Download the product manual

  • Watch YouTube Videos by the manufacturer or other reviewers

  • Read other online reviews

  • Read the customer reviews on Amazon

  • Search online to find retailers selling the product - they sometimes write their own version of the product listing and make videos

  • Check out the customer reviews on these websites too

I'm sure there are a bunch of other ways too!

Step 2. Keyword research and content planning.

I'm not going to dig deeper into this here, because that's a whole topic on its own, so for now, let's assume you've done your homework prior to sitting down to write your review blog post.

Surfer SEO

If you are using Surfer SEO with Jasper, make sure you head over to the Surfer Knowledge Base and read the instructions on how to customize your Content Editor Settings.

Using the Surfer Content Editor to measure your content score, without setting it up, is like expecting to cook from a recipe without buying the right ingredients.

Step 3. Plan your review outline.

To be a successful affiliate reviewer, planning your blog post outline is a must.

It's OK to have several post styles on your Amazon affiliate website, such as:

  • In Depth (Deep Dive) Product Reviews

  • Product Comparisons

  • Top 10 Lists

  • How To Posts

Just keep in mind that delivering consistent content to your readers, in your style, means they'll be able to connect with you and will trust your reviews more.

Step 4. Write a headline that matches the search intent.

Write a headline that matches the search intent.

Winning headlines will tell readers what the post will be about in a way that captures their attention the most.

Depending on the intent of your article, you can use words that create curiosity, inspire greed, are surprising, challenging, discomforting, controversial, revealing, informative, enlightening, insightful, voyeuristic, helpful, entertaining, triumphant, or even just plain fun!

For a product review, you'll want to use headlines that grab attention with curiosity but are still informative. Be careful not to overpromise and underdeliver with your headline. That's a sure way to increase your bounce rate!

Step 5. Start with an introduction that quickly conveys the content of the article.

Once you've hooked your reader in, make sure that your introduction includes the basic information needed to understand what you're writing about in a way that makes them want to read more.

One way of doing this is by starting your opening paragraph with a subheadline hook:

Learn how I/(name), a [audience] just like you, overcame [expected negative consequence] and [reached desired result] by [paradoxical curiosity hook] - credit to Sean Vosler for that one!

I know you are scratching your head right now, but check back to the opening lines of this article 😉

Step 6. Include a call-to-action above the fold.

A good way to ensure your introduction paragraph is not too long is to make sure you can fit your first call-to-action above the fold.

Step 7. Write about the features first, then the benefits.

Product reviews help buyers find the thing that meets the need they have right now. So write about the features of the products, so that they know it can do what they need.

For example, if you were writing about a vacuum cleaner, the features would be:

  • 1800W power

  • 6 foot cable length

  • Large dust container

  • Flexible hose

All of these things allow the buyer to know if it meets their buying criteria. There is no point pushing the benefits, like 'high-performance cleaning', if they need a cordless cleaner and this one is corded. They need to know that it meets their needs first before they need to know how great it is.

So, include the features of your product in the first few paragraphs of your review and follow each of these with another clear CTA.

You might need several sections to cover your features - I suggest at least 2. Make sure to use an H2 heading for each section.

Step 8. Now write about the benefits!

Next comes a list of the benefits of the product, sometimes in a bullet point list for emphasis.

The Feature-to-Benefit template in Jasper is designed specifically to help you with this. Just plug in your list of features and choose which of the many benefit options you produce to include in your article.

Step 9. Include customer reviews.

Not the exact reviews from Amazon - that's definitely not allowed - but you can read the customer reviews on Amazon for yourself and refer to the terms that have been used. There is normally a 'word cloud' in the reviews section labeled 'Read reviews that mention' which will give you a jumping-off point.

Use these to say things like 'repeat customers mention how they love the quick delivery time and easy to open packaging' or 'these are a big hit with people who travel often because they like that they fit into hand luggage'. You can include the Amazon star rating - such as 4.8 out of 5 stars - but be aware this can change dynamically.

Step 10. Turn the frown upside down.

Turn the frown upside down.

You may have come across some negative comments or feedback in the customer reviews, so now is the time to bring these up - don't try to ignore or hide them - and turn those negatives into positives.

For example, if someone says they don't like the bright color of a kitchen utensil, you could say it's easy to see in the drawer. Or if someone thinks their items seem small, you can say how it easily packs away when not in use. Top Tip: Use the Review Responder template to help you!

Step 11. Offer alternatives.

The product you are reviewing may not be the right product for your reader, so now is the time to offer some alternatives. Either a similar product by another brand, or a product with different features.

Step 12. Write a compelling conclusion.

Now's the time to wrap it up with a concluding paragraph to gently persuade - not sell, sell, sell - and once again highlight the features and benefits concisely to reinforce what you have already said. Of course, remember to include a final CTA.

Upsells and add-on sales opportunities

Throughout your review, you'll have the opportunity to mention other products that may be useful alongside the product you are reviewing. These will help you make more sales and earn more money.

Reviewing a protein shake? Mention a blender you use or a travel cup you like.

A coffee machine? Mention cups that fit this machine well, where to buy consumables like coffee pods & descaler.

Just don't go overboard. I'd say no more than 3-5 extra products. You don't want a blog post littered with confusing links.

Images and Videos

Create easily branded images in apps like Canva

Include multiple images and videos. Using your own images lends credibility to the review. If that's not possible, you can create easily branded images in apps like Canva, which I use to create the Pinterest-friendly images you'll see on my Keto blog. Many manufacturers will provide videos or you can embed a YouTube video if you cannot make your own. There are a huge number of creations video apps like Pictory - Doodly, Toonly, Vidello and CreateStudio that you can use to make interesting and engaging videos for your product review blog post.

On page advertising

On Page Advertising

You might be at the stage of PPC (Paid Per Click) advertising on your blog. If not, you can still have ads on your blog that make you extra affiliate sales. There are a huge number of affiliate programs - that I will cover in a later blog - and these are a really good source of additional revenue.


How to write an Amazon Affiliate review with Jasper (formerly,

How to write an Amazon Affiliate review with Jasper, Jarvis,

OK, so now you know what you should be writing, how do you actually do it with Jasper?

How to write a review - basic outline

Take your product research into [Content Improver] to refine it down to a less than 600 character 'Jasper friendly' format.

The blog post outline will take the following format:

Headline [LONG FORM] or [Perfect Headline]

LONG FORM - Select Blog Post Workflow in setup


Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description from [Content Improver]

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Customer Avatar = Your reader for this article

Tone of voice = Go for it! I use engaging, but it will depend on your product and your audience


Introduction - a brief explanation of the product [Long Form] or [P-A-S] - I prefer P-A-S

LONG FORM - Generate in setup

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Tone of voice = Again, this is really up to you - play around until you find something that fits


1st CTA - a link to the product on Amazon

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Tone of voice = I really like 'animated' for this one


1st H2 Sub-Headline - Product Feature 1

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Headline = The headline you created at the beginning

Tone of voice = Your preferred option

Examples = Key features you want to cover in this section


Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Tone of voice = Your preferred option


1st Product Feature Paragraph

LONG FORM - Compose to generate

Main Document Settings Title = 1st H2 Sub-Headline Feature 1 Content Description = Features you want to include

Keywords = Update if appropriate


Blog post title = 1st H2 Sub-Headline Feature 1 Audience = Your reader for this article Tone of voice = Your preferred option and / or

[Content Improver] Content = Product Features Tone of voice = Your preferred option and / or

Product description = Product Features

Tone of voice = Your preferred option


2nd sub-headline - Product Feature 2

As above


2nd Product Feature Paragraph

As above

(repeat for extra Feature Paragraphs)


3rd H2 Sub-Headline - Benefit 1


Paste in your product benefit list & use re-phrase to re-write it

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Headline = The headline you created at the beginning

Tone of voice = Your preferred option

Examples = Benefit you want to cover in this section


1st Product Benefit Paragraph

LONG FORM - Compose to generate

Main Document Settings Title = 3rd H2 Sub-Headline - Benefit 1 Content Description = Features you want to include

Keywords = Update if appropriate


Blog post title = H2 Sub-Headline - Benefit 1 Audience = Your reader for this article Tone of voice = Your preferred option and / or

[Content Improver] Content = Product Features Tone of voice = Your preferred option and / or

Product description = Product Features

Tone of voice = Your preferred option


4th H2 Sub-Headline - Benefit 2

(as above)


2nd Product Benefit Paragraph

(as above)


2nd CTA - a link to the product on Amazon

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Tone of voice = I really like 'animated' for this one


3rd sub-headline - Amazon customer reviews and scores

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jarvis friendly' product description

Headline = The headline you created at the beginning

Tone of voice = Your preferred option

Examples = Key features you want to cover in this section


Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description from [Content Improver]

Tone of voice = Your preferred option


Reviews summary


Main Document Settings Title = We are reviewing [Product Name] a [main feature / benefit] Content Description = People who have used this product say + snippets from online reviews

Keywords = Update if appropriate

Note: I've had varied results in the long-form - some have been mind-blowing, others not so much


[Content Improver] Content = People who have used this product say + snippets from online reviews

Tone of voice = Engaged

Address any negatives brought up in reviews and point out the positives that address those negatives

[Unique Value Propositions] Product description = Product Name


3rd CTA - a link to the product on Amazon (as above)


Alternatives Offer some alternatives - either a similar product by another brand, or a product with different features.


5th sub-headline - Conclusion

Company/Product Name = Product Name

Product description = 'Jasper friendly' product description

Headline = The headline you created at the beginning

Tone of voice = Your preferred option

Examples = Key features you want to cover in this section


Conclusion paragraph with a brief features to benefit


Main Document Settings Title = We are reviewing [Product Name] a [main feature / benefit] Content Description =

Explain why ['Jasper friendly' product description*] is the right product for your [Customer Avatar]

Keywords = Update if appropriate

* You might need to truncate your 'Jasper friendly' product description because of the character limit TEMPLATES

What are the main points or outline of your blog post =

We are reviewing + 'Jasper friendly' product description

CTA = Order today

Tone of voice = Animated

Product description = Product Features

Tone of voice = Your preferred option

2022 Update: Jasper Recipes

What if I told you there are secret techniques that you can now use to create better copy than ever before with Jasper AI? I want to empower you to take your content creation to the next level with recipes for to help you create the content YOU need - for your blog posts, website, social media and more - even faster!| The Quickstart Guide to Jasper Recipes

Amazing Amazon Review Blogs Minutes⏰ I'll show you how to take products on Amazon and turn them into an amazing Amazon product review blog post in no time flat - all in Jasper! With this recipe, you can write Amazon product review blog posts in minutes - without ever touching the product! If you're looking for a way that will increase your blogging output, and make more sales from your Amazon affiliate website, then this is the right recipe for you.

My AI Copywriting Assistant - Jarvis - over at

My AI Copywriting Assistant - Jasper - helped write this article 😉

As an affiliate, I may receive a commission for purchases made through any of the links in this article.

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