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How To Write A Case Study: Compelling Copy Written With AI

The case study is one of the most essential pieces of brand marketing material, yet also one of the most tedious.

A well-written case study can be extremely valuable in marketing your brand. It can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field and persuade potential customers to do business with you.

But writing a case study can also be a daunting task. You have to find the right balance between too much information and not enough, and you also have to make sure that your case study is interesting enough to hold someone's attention.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing a case study, never fear! Jasper is here to help!

Write Case studies with Jasper AI

What is a case study?

A case study is a detailed account of a specific problem that a company or organization has faced and how they solved it.

Case studies are usually written for potential customers to show them how your product or service has helped other people in similar situations.

They can also be used to establish yourself as an authority in your field or to persuade other businesses to partner with you.

The reader should be able to imagine themselves as the protagonist of their own narrative by the conclusion of a case study. They should be able to identify with the issues highlighted by your featured customer and see themselves achieving their own objectives by utilizing your product or service.

Why write a case study for your business website or blog?

A case study is an excellent way to tell the story of your business in a way that engages and inspires your readers.

By sharing the details of a specific project or client interaction, you can illustrate the impact of your work in a relatable and tangible way, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to quality.

A case study is also an excellent way to generate leads by providing readers with a detailed look at how you can solve their specific problem. Writing a case study is an essential part of any successful business website or blog for all of these reasons.

If you're looking for a way to take your marketing to the next level, writing case studies is a great place to start.

What are the benefits of writing case studies?

Case studies are an important marketing tool for businesses in a wide range of industries. They can be used to share the story of your business in a compelling and engaging way.

Publishing case studies is one of the specific strategies that we recommend, and we have seen time and time again the sales results from case studies when we have featured them on social media or in a blog post.

Including case studies on your business website or blog can have a number of benefits, including:

Customer Satisfaction:

By sharing real life examples of satisfied customers, businesses can showcase the results of their products or services and attract prospective customers and new clients. Case studies also offer an opportunity to build trust with potential customers by demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Audience Targeting:

Case studies are highly specific, so they can be an effective way to target a particular audience or market niche. Offering different perspectives on your products or services can help you to reach new markets and target new demographics.

Valuable Insights:

When done properly, case studies can provide valuable insights that would be otherwise difficult to obtain without further exploration. By interviewing a satisfied customer and documenting their results, businesses can gain valuable background information and feedback that can be used to improve their products or services. This testable evidence can be extremely valuable when making decisions about the future of your business.

Improved Search Engine Rankings:

Including case studies on your website or blog is also an excellent way to improve your search engine rankings. Case studies are typically packed with relevant keywords and phrases, so they can help your site to appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition, by linking to case studies from other sites, you can improve your site's link popularity, which is another important factor in search engine optimization (SEO).

Lead Generation:

A well-written case study can be an effective lead generation tool. By providing readers with a detailed look at how you solved a specific problem, you can persuade them that you have the skills and expertise to solve their own problem. This can be a powerful way to convert prospects into leads.

Generate Sales:

By providing readers with a detailed look at the results achieved by previous customers, case studies can be an effective way to generate sales. It makes sense to highlight success stories from credible sources - a specific customer - and emphasize the possible solutions you offer future customers.

When should you use a case study?

Case studies are useful when you want to tell the story of how your product or service helped a real customer solve a problem. They can add credibility and perspective to your content marketing, making it more relatable and relatable to your audience.

How to write a case study that prospective customers will want to read

Do you want to write successful case studies?

Of course! A well-written case study is a compelling story that can help promote your business and boost your content marketing efforts.

But it can be difficult to know where to start or how to make sure your case study will be effective.

That's where this formula comes in.

By following these simple steps, you can write a great case study in your own words that will help your business succeed.

Here's a step-by-step guide for writing an effective case study:

  1. Find a customer who is willing to be interviewed and is representative of your target market.

  2. Exhibit other case study examples to assist in the decision-making process. Showing you can write good case studies will help establish some trust.

  3. Prepare questions for the interview that focus on the results achieved by using your product or service.

  4. Be sure to get the customer's permission to use their story before you publish anything.

  5. Keep things simple for your customer during the actual interview by having a set case study format to collect the important details, raw data, and main findings.

  6. Use a case study outline to guide you to ask them about their problem, how they found you, and what steps they took to solve their problem.

  7. Be consistent with your research methods.

  8. Share the results achieved using specific data and quotes from your customer.

  9. Be sure to include a call to action so that readers know how they can get started with your business.

  10. Let your featured customer know how you will use the case study in your online marketing. They may well want to take advantage of any promotional opportunities this offers them.

  11. Provide the customer with the URL of the case study landing page; they'll probably be excited about gaining a backlink. That's a win-win for sure!

Writing effective case studies

A case study is a detailed account of a specific problem that has been solved by a company or organization. Typically, a case study will include key points and relevant facts about the customer's problem, as well as information about how the company was able to solve the problem.

One of the most important elements of an effective case study is supporting evidence. This may include data, quotes from experts, and first-hand accounts. Without this supporting evidence, the case study will be little more than an opinion piece.

In addition, an effective case study should further explore the implications of the problem and proposed solutions.

What are the long-term effects of the problem?

What are the risks associated with the proposed solution?

Answering these questions gives readers a better understanding of the issue at hand and helps to build trust in the proposed solution.

When writing a case study, it is important to focus on the results of the solution and how it has helped the customer. By doing so, you will be able to create a compelling and convincing argument for why your product or service is the best solution for the customer's needs.

To be effective, your customer should stand out as the hero of the whole story, with your business playing the role of the helpful guide.

How do I write a case study?

Whilst it does not have to follow specific guidelines, this case study outline provides a helpful framework for how to structure your case study.

This framework includes an introduction, background information, the challenge faced by the customer, the solution provided by the company, results achieved, and implications for the future.

It is important to remember that every case study will be different, and you should tailor your case study format for your target audience.

Define your goals.

What do you want to achieve with your case study? Do you want to generate leads? Promote a new product or service? Attract media attention? Keep this goal in mind as you write, so you can ensure your case study is focused and effective.

Choose your customer.

Not all customers are created equal. For the best results, choose a customer who is happy with your product or service and who has seen success as a result of using it. Avoid sharing a negative customer story or criticism – you want your case study to be an effective marketing tool, after all.

How do you format a case study?

The following case study outline will guide you, whether you are writing it yourself or outsourcing to a writing service.

Step 1. Write a compelling headline.

Just like a news article, your case study needs a headline that will grab attention and make people want to read more. Be creative – try to think of something unusual or eye-catching.

Step 2. Provide an overview.

Give the reader a snapshot of what the case study is about, including the customer's name and industry, the product or service used, and the results. Help them decide whether they want to read on.

Step 3. Introduce the client.

Use one or two sentences to describe the customer and a highlight about them will help readers get to know the person behind the story.

Step 4. Describe the problem.

What problem did the customer have, and what were the consequences? Include quotes from the customer to add authenticity.

Step 5. Share the solution.

How did the customer find and choose you? What solution did they choose, and how was it implemented? Providing a customer's quote will add to the case study's credibility.

Step 6. Discuss the results.

What benefits did the customer see as a result of using your product or service? Are there any other benefits that came as a bonus? Include quotes and statistics to back up your claims.

Step 7. Close with a conclusion.

Summarize the main points and share additional praise from the customer and words of advice they have for other people or new businesses in a similar situation.

By following these simple steps, you can write a case study that will capture the reader's attention and be an effective marketing tool for your business.

Now that we've gone over what a case study is and why you should write one, let's get into how to actually write one.

Jasper AI the future of writing case studies

How to write a case study with Jasper.

In this case study example, we are going to start with the document setup and then dive right into the overview.

When you are writing copy with Jasper, you don't always follow the steps in order.

Wait, what?

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but when it comes to writing a killer headline, you are better off waiting until you have built out all your copy and saving this step for last.

For this example, the objective is to generate leads, and our customer is photographers looking to reduce their post-production efforts.

Jasper Step 1. Document setup

First, let's tackle the setup in Jasper.

Head over to the Jasper app dashboard and hit the + next to New Document

Choose the Start from scratch (green) option to open a new blank document.

The document setup includes a title, content description/brief, tone of voice, keywords, and an option to select one of 24 languages.

Let's work through them in order.


The document title guides Jasper regarding the topic and context. This should not necessarily be the final H1 headline or heading for your case study. Think of this as a working title that tells Jasper what this document will be about.

Example: Case Study: Photo Editing by Spectrum Infinite

Content description/brief

The content description tells Jasper what to write about, so here we'll add the details of the copy you would like to produce.

It should include the offer, audience, and desired result like this...

A case study to explain the process of {offer} for {audience} {desired result}

Example: A case study to explain the process of photo editing for photographers looking to reduce their post-production efforts.

Then we'll tell Jasper what to include in the content:

The case study will:

Introduce the client.

Describe the problem.

Share the solution.

Discuss the results.

Close with a conclusion.

Tone of Voice

The tone of voice selection is important. The right tone will help Jasper understand your brand voice and personality.

Read more about choosing a tone of voice


The keywords section is where you can add any relevant keywords or phrases you would like Jasper to cover in the copy. If you are using Surfer SEO, add your main target keyword and two additional keywords from the terms to use.


Choose from 24 language options in the long-form editor.

Jasper Step 2. Project Summary

Add a summary of your case study findings to the document editor. You don't have to be too concerned about formatting this copy. You can write it conversationally, explaining the key points from your case study research.

Jasper Step 3. Jasper Instructions

Paste steps 1-7 above into the document editor to provide the outline for the copy to follow.

Jasper Step 4. Jasper Workflow

Work through each of the outline points, using the points as H2 headings and the explanation as Jasper commands.

You may need to run the command a few times and edit to get the final copy you are completely happy with.

Once you have completed each step, move on to the next step, providing the information to Jasper in the same way.

Other options include using Jasper Templates in Power Mode, such as Paragraph Generator, which will write the entire section for you.

Jasper templates can help you expand your case study copy to the required length.

Step 4. Editing and proofreading

Once you are happy with your copy, it's time for a final edit. This is where you will check for any errors, typos, or inconsistencies.

Step 5. The compelling headline.

No, I didn't forget! Just saving the best for last!

Once you have completed the copy, you can ask Jasper to write you a compelling headline. You can even include a keyword.

>Write a compelling headline for this case study and include the keyword photo editing

Step 6. Grammarly

Run your final copy through Grammarly, an AI-based writing assistant that goes beyond spell check and grammar correction.

It offers real-time feedback on your writing, including tone, delivery, clarity, and engagement.

Grammarly is free to use, with a premium version that offers more in-depth feedback and corrections.

Follow the steps above to write a case study with Jasper, and you'll be well on your way to impressing your clients and prospects. Want to see the final copy?

Professional photo editing: Problems to perfection - a case study by Spectrum Infinite

Project Overview

Spectrum Infinite's photo editing services help clients reduce post-production efforts, with quick and high-quality results. For their recent photoshoot in Paris, Beauty Brands required editing for skin abnormalities, hair irregularities, and excess background. Spectrum was able to edit all 28 photos in a timely and professional manner, much to the customer's delight.

The Client

Beauty Brands is a global online retailer of high-end beauty products. They are committed to the highest standard of service and take pride not only in their own product but also in how it's delivered!

The company's high-end beauty products are the perfect advertisement for their brand, which relies on photos to show off how great they look. They require the highest quality photo editing services to ensure that any photo irregularities do not render the photo useless for their advertising campaigns.

The Problem

The customer had photos with skin and hair abnormalities, undergarments showing through clothing, and excess background. These problems resulted in unusable photos for their advertising campaigns.

When it comes to businesses, time is money. This is especially true when it comes to photoshoots. If a customer is not happy with the photos, they may request a retake, which can be costly in terms of both time and money.

This is why more and more businesses are choosing to outsource their photo editing needs. By using a professional photo editing service, businesses can be confident that their photos will be edited to perfection.

This not only saves time, but also money in the long run. In this case, it saved the customer the time and expense of having to retake the photoshoot. As a result, outsourcing photo editing can be a wise investment for any business.

The customer was happy with the results and the photo editor was able to work with the customer to make sure that the changes were made in a way that was consistent with their brand.

The Solution

As a professional photo editing service, we are often approached by photographers who are looking to improve their photos.

The customer found Spectrum Infinite through a Google search. They chose our photo editing services because of our quick and high-quality results. Our photo editing team was able to edit all 28 photos in a timely and professional manner.

Photo editing is a process where you make changes to photos so they look better. Sometimes people have skin problems or their hair isn't neat. Other times there may be something showing in the photo that needs to be removed. Photo editing can fix all that.

In this case, the photographer had taken a photo of a model wearing a crown. However, the crown was too big for the model's head, and her hair was in need of some tidy up.

Additionally, the photo had some skin imperfections and unevenness in tone. We also noticed that the model's lips were slightly puffy, and her eyebrows could use some filling out.

Finally, the photo needed some color correction and increased resolution. We were able to make all of these edits and more, resulting in a photo that looks professionally done.

The Results

The customer was delighted with the speed and quality of the work. All the photo editing had been done quickly and to a high standard. The photos were now usable for their advertising campaigns. The photographer was very pleased with the results, and we were happy to have helped.

Outsourcing photo editing can save businesses both time and money. In this case, it saved the customer the time and expense of having to retake the photoshoot.

In Conclusion

This case study shows how Spectrum Infinite's photo editing services can save businesses time and money as well as reduce post-production efforts.

“I have sourced my photos to few companies in the past and have to live with not so good output. The artist’s at Spectrum have a keen sense of their work and knew what they were doing right from the beginning. I’d continue to work with them and recommend them.” - Beauty Brands

This is just one example of the photo editing work we can do here at Spectrum Infinite. We have a team of highly skilled photo editors who can provide you with the best photo editing services to save you time and money.

If you have any photos that need editing, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to help you achieve the perfect photo.

What's next?

Publishing your case study requires stunning visuals.

Make sure your visuals are clear, concise, and on-brand to ensure your blog post or landing pages are as effective as possible.

If you can provide these in a graphic or image — or if you can use images from your client — these will help increase conversions.

Business case study examples

Now that we've gone through the process of how to write a case study with Jasper let's look at some business case study examples.

SEMRush Case Study: How an SEO Agency Helped an Artisan Bakery Increase Mobile Organic Traffic by 460%

Frase Case Study: From 169 Customers to 8,266 in 28 Days: How Frase Built the Biggest AppSumo Launch Ever

Canva Case Study: How The Daily Aus uses Canva as a modern newsroom to reach 350,000+ readers

Frequently asked questions about case studies:

What are B2B case studies?

The term "B2B case study" can refer to a number of different things, but typically it is used to describe a piece of content that examines how a business (B2B) solved a problem for another business. Case studies can be helpful for businesses as they can provide information on how others have succeeded (or failed) in similar situations.

What is the best format for a case study?

Most case studies are published as a blog post.

How long should a case study be?

Most case studies should be 500-1500 words long. But if you have extra information to offer, you may go longer (up to 3000+ words).

What is the focus question asked in a case study?

Consider your reader:

What challenges do they face that your product or service solves?

How have other customers benefited from using your product/service?

What data or results can you share that will help them understand the value of your product/service?

Your case study should focus on answering these kinds of questions.

How do you title a case study?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the nature of the case study itself. However, some popular titles for case studies include "Case Study: XYZ Company," "Case Study: ACH saved Company ABC millions of dollars," and "Case Study: The Effect of Social Media on Customer Service."

How do you end a case study?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. You'll want your case study to leave the reader with a positive impression of your company and its products or services.

Include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the case study, inviting the reader to learn more about your business or try your product.

What are the 3 methods of case study?

Three main types of case studies have been characterized: intrinsic, instrumental, and collective.

How many participants should be in a case study?

Whilst many case studies feature just one participant, typical sample size is between 30-50.

In conclusion

Case studies provide businesses with valuable insights into how others have succeeded (or failed) in similar situations. By understanding the challenges, successes, and failures of others, businesses can learn what works and what doesn't and apply this knowledge to their own situation.

When writing a case study, it is important to focus on the reader and answer the questions they are most likely to have.

Finally, remember to end your case study in a way that leaves the reader with a positive impression of your company. A case study is a great way to showcase your company's successes. By following the tips above, you can create a case study that will help you attract new customers and grow your business.

If you're interested in trying Jasper for yourself, head over to the website and sign up for a free trial. We believe Jasper can help you achieve your business goals, and we hope you'll give us a chance to prove it!

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