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Writer's pictureAmanda

10 Reasons to Use AI for Copywriting Right Now

You are a Virtual Assistant or Digital Marketer, and you specialize in writing blogs and copy for different companies. This is how you make your living. You're always on the go, with deadlines looming over your head.

In order to meet these deadlines, it's crucial that you have an AI Copywriter tool at your disposal so that you can save time and increase productivity.

10 reasons why Artificial Intelligence should be something that every single Virtual Assistant and Digital Marketer uses right now

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant is a person who provides administrative or personal assistance to companies and individuals using computer-based technologies.

A VA can be hired by anyone. Even small businesses and startups use a Virtual Assistant to provide general office support, such as administrative tasks or other odd jobs that they don't have time to do. Some VAs specialize in specific fields, like writing blogs and copy for different companies – this is likely what you're doing!

What is a Digital Marketer?

A Digital Marketer is a person who uses digital technologies to execute their strategy in marketing or advertising. Some Digital Marketers create content to promote products or services.

Their goal is to maximize the return on investment for their clients, by choosing the right channels in which they want to advertise and promoting them using different types of media, such as through a targeted marketing campaign on social media, content marketing, online brand enhancement, updating website copy, basically formulating an implementing an online marketing strategy for their customers.

Digital Marketers and Virtual Assistants alike can experience the benefits of using AI writing tools, like (now, Simplified and because they can produce quality, professional-grade marketing copy in less time than a human could. Search engine friendly copy that Google loves for content marketing, long-form copy for blog posts, social media, email marketing campaigns, newsletters, landing pages, ad copy, image captions, song lyrics, and more can all be created by AI.

Basically, anything that needs words!

My Experience with Artificial Intelligence for Digital Marketing

I have spent the best part of 30 years writing copy the hard way and once I discovered the benefits of AI Copywriting for my business - and life - well, the results are immeasurable!

I used to spend every waking moment juggling the needs of my clients in my head. I could not escape the never ending need to come up with catchy headlines, as well as constantly creating interesting and informative content that was relevant to my clients' audiences. The pressure was immense and I'll admit sometimes it was just too overwhelming. I had no time for anything else!

When I discovered AI for Copywriting, it was so enticing to see how this would make life easier! The user friendly AI tool (Jasper AI) took over the bulk of the writing of content for me, so I could focus more on my business. The best part was that it wouldn't just create any copy, this copywriting AI created excellent quality copy - better than anything I could do myself, to be completely honest!

I can now spend more time with my family and friends because this software does all the heavy lifting for me and I still get the benefits of great marketing content for my clients - giving them the best customer experience, in less time.

But don't take just my word for it!

How my Peers are experiencing the benefits of AI writing tools in their businesses

Let's hear what other Digital Marketers and Virtual Assistants using AI in their business are saying...

"As a digital marketing agency, much of our time is spent creating content for various businesses. Jasper AI is our new employee of the month, helping our team of writers eliminate the dreaded writer's block and get the job done. Productivity has increased massively. Not only can he write blog posts, but he also helps with ad copy, marketing emails, sales copy and more, items that we sometimes overthink."

- Della, Counting Stars Digital


"As a VA, discovering Jasper - the AI Copywriting Assistant - has been a game changer for me! In so many aspects of my work I have to create written content, be it social media posts for myself or clients, blog writing, emails (both contents and catch headlines), and having Jasper on my team has revolutionised all of this! Using Jasper has meant that all aspects of my written content are catchy and web ready, with minimum stress. I'd absolutely recommend him to fellow VAs (and anyone who has to write for their business!)." - Jen Geering, Virtual Assistant The UK-VA

The UK-VA - Virtual Assistant

"What I like most about Jasper is that it keeps me moving. I thought I was fast before but my word rate has increased.

I work on an hourly rate for my SEO clients so I love being able to pack in more value for them."

- Sian Wood, Digital Marketer

5 Day Free Trial - Blogs by Jarvis

Here are 10 Reasons why Artificial Intelligence should be something that every single Virtual Assistant and Digital Marketer uses right now!

So now we know how easy it is to get excited about using artificial intelligence in digital marketing, let's look at the practical applications and benefits for generating great copy, whether you are a Virtual Assistant or a Digital Marketer.

1. AI can generate a lot of content quickly

No matter how fast you can type, generating copy takes time because you need an idea to start with, then you have to do the research, and finally you have to piece it all together to make a complete article.

> But there is a better way!

AI can generate awesome copy on demand, so you're always prepared to produce content for your clients. You can create a lot of blog articles in just one day with AI and never have to worry about running out of ideas again! Using structured templates, you can create a blog post topic idea, outline and even an intro paragraph in just a few minutes - all with AI.

With a Saas (Software as a Service) tool that does content creation using AI technology, you'll be creating content in no time, and not just for blog posts. See below for the 50+ templates available!

Check out this post if you want to know more about AI-powered content creation for Virtual Assistants and Digital Marketers - so that you can save time and increase productivity: 5 Types of Content AI can help Virtual Assistants Create

2. AI is cheaper than hiring a copywriter

Do you outsource your content creation? You are probably paying by the word, article or hour, and that can be expensive. You probably also have to spend significant time checking for language and grammatical errors, right? Not with AI!

With you can generate marketing copy in seconds with automated marketing and creativity tools. Grab your free trial and see how easy it is to create amazing marketing content with ai-powered copywriting.

An AI Copywriter will work as hard as you need every single day, for one fixed cost per month - a huge saving over human copywriter fees. AI copywriting and AI copyediting all rolled into one!

It only takes a few minutes to get set up and start using AI for writing copy instead of hours or days with humans - and the time saved means more money, or time to take on another job for a new customer.

Plus, your AI will never ask for a raise!

3. AI is more accurate than humans at writing

One of the most frustrating things about copywriting is when you invest a lot of time and energy in writing something yourself - or paying to have it written - only to find out there are grammatical errors or poor sentence structure, making your copy look unprofessional.

This won't happen with an AI.

An AI Copywriter will write conversational content that reads well, looks professional and doesn't have any clunky sentences or spelling mistakes. An AI Copywriting Assistant can even help you re-write your old content to fix grammar, rephrase and make the content more interesting - all with one click.

This is one of the biggest reasons why we recommend using AI for copywriting right now! AI doesn't make these errors and can save you a lot of time in editing content after it's been written. You get the best of both worlds: great copywriting with no errors and no waiting around for your content to be written by someone else!

I know that you're tempted, but please don't click off this page yet because there are so many more reasons why you should be using AI for your copywriting right now.

4. Better quality content

The quality of AI generated content is better than humans can compose because of the lack of errors, and because it avoids common human traits such as repetition of words, overuse of adjectives, adverbs or phrases.

Content created by AI will never have these mistakes and can save you a lot of time in editing content after it's been written.

Plus it never gets tired or distracted, needs a coffee break or calls in sick. All of this means a higher quality of work than the human alternative!

We have many customers that swear by their AI Copywriter, and they love it. But really, any business can benefit from using an AI because you get professional quality content for your blog post or article in minutes - no need to struggle with your content creation any more!

Your customers will love it because they'll feel like the content you create for them talks directly to their customers in a more engaging way and in a natural tone of voice.

If you're not convinced about using AI for copywriting, stay tuned for the next few paragraphs where we reveal even more reasons to use AI for your copywriting, right now!

5. Less stress about deadlines

There is nothing worse for the creative process than having to perform to a deadline. Wouldn't you like to remove the stress created when you struggle to meet deadlines, and have more time to focus on other aspects of your business?

When you can create content at any time, you can make the process easier for yourself and your business.

If AI copywriting takes away deadlines from a creative person's life, then what kind of effect does it have on Virtual Assistants and Digital Marketers? The answer is less stress!

7. Re-purpose old content

How often have you written about the same subject over and over again?

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.” ― Mark Twain

There's no limit to how much content you can create with AI - so if there's something that needs repeating in different ways, then this would be perfect for that task! Re-writing old content, or producing multiple -unique - articles on the same topic is as easy as pie!

You don't need any technical skills whatsoever. All you need is an idea - and you can even get help with that with the blog post topic ideas template in our AI Copywriting Assistant! Then just enter your keyword, topic, or idea into the blog post outline template and press "Generate AI Content" and see what you get!

This is not limited to blog posts. We have customers creating fresh scripts for their YouTube videos - videos that cover the same topic, but in a different way each time. Talk to any established YouTuber and they will tell you they have 500 videos to teach the same 10 things!

8. You'll never have to worry about writer's block again!

Writer's block can occur during the process of writing, when a writer stops writing because they are unable to think of what comes next. It may also occur when writers edit their work, and upon revisiting a piece that had been previously written, they find the article lacks substance or has no point.

You'll never have writer's block again if you choose to work with an AI Copywriting Assistant. The AI will give you not just ideas for content for your needs, but will actually write the content you need for you. Whether that's in parts generated via various templates - outline, intro, AIDA (Attention - Interest - Desire - Action) or PAS (Problem - Agitate - Solution) Marketing Frameworks for persuasive content and even persuasive bullet points - or via a Long Form Assistant that will create content for you based on a prompt, depends on the AI Copywriting plan you choose.

9. Conquer blank page anxiety

Blank page anxiety typically comes when you are told to write something without any guidance. This can be stressful, especially when you are busy or have a deadline to meet.

With AI by your side, you'll never suffer from blank page anxiety again! With our AI Copywriting package, you'll get a prompt and an outline to work with, or you can prompt the AI to write the piece for you.

So, when faced with a blank page and no idea what to write about, all you need do is have the AI come up with the ideas, or even write the entire thing!

10. Your copy will always be fresh and original

Do you struggle to come up with new and exciting ways to say the same things over and over?

AI can write for any type of audience and will never run out of fresh ideas for you. It's always on, learning new content at an exponential rate from a variety of sources to ensure your copy is always original, so you'll be able to populate your blog with tons of unique content, even when you are writing about the same subject!

Virtual Assistants and Digital Marketers can find it especially hard because they have to cover a multitude of topics for their clients and adopt many different tones of voice. An AI can help to save them time and keep their content fresh when they are working at a fast pace.

Using an AI for content creation is the best way to scale your Virtual Assistant or Digital Marketing business without stressing about having enough time in the day!

Have you ever found yourself just completely overwhelmed when you have a lot of content to create? Even if you enjoy doing it, the process is incredibly taxing.

So should you be using AI for your Copywriting?

If you have read all of the above, you'll see that the answer is yes!

There are many advantages to using AI for copywriting, and not just because of the different challenges that you face every day as a Virtual Assistant or Digital Marketer.

Utilizing AI technology is actually good for us as humans, because our brains process information differently when they have a break from writing and it can prevent burnout or chronic fatigue.

With an AI Copywriting Assistant you can:

• Save time and energy by letting a tool do the heavy lifting

• Create copy that is more engaging with a conversational tone

• Choose a tone to suit your audience (friendly/personable or professional)

• Create content for new, unfamiliar topics

• Write great blog posts without having to know too many keywords

• Generate high-converting copy for blogs, ads, emails and landing pages

• Produce more content while still following traditional marketing frameworks

• Spend more time doing things that are actually important like increasing client satisfaction, making sure everything is running smoothly in the office etc.

Plus, it's just quicker than researching and coming up with original content every single day!

50+ Templates

Our AI Copywriting Assistant has 50+ templates available for:

Blogs Posts

Facebook Ads

Google Ads






and more!

Here's a sneak peek of it in action!

If you are ready to embrace using AI for your Virtual Assistant or Digital Marketing business, I'd love to show you how our AI Copywriting Assistant, Jarvis, can help you achieve everything we have talked about in this article, and how that can help you expand your service offering and grow your business.

You can even try it for free!

Discover how Jarvis works, the monthly pricing plans and sign up for your free trial account here to see how easy it is to use the Jarvis AI to help you with your content creation today!

Try alternative AI writers Simplified and Copy ai free! Recommended Reading: Simplified vs. Shortly AI: How To Choose The Best AI Writing Partner.


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